Get the Clear + Brilliant Difference

Our skin is the first thing people notice about us—for better or for worse. We all want a clear, vibrant complexion, but too much sun, not enough sleep and less-than-healthy eating habits can wreak havoc on our skin, leaving behind blemishes, scars, and dark spots.

Because aggressive peels and lasers can be irritating to more sensitive skin types, slow and steady is often the best path to better skin. Clear + Brilliant is a gentle but very effective laser treatment that gives us back our glow—and with results we can begin to see after the very first treatment. This non-ablative fractional laser evens skin tone and texture with zero downtime. It’s considered the gentlest of the resurfacing lasers currently on the market. Because of its positive cumulative effects, Serenity MedSpa cofounder Dr. Lisa Kang recommends a series of three to five sessions scheduled about a month apart to significantly smooth and brighten skin.

How It Works

Our staff first applies numbing cream to the treatment area, which can include the face neck and chest, and gives it ample time to work. Then Dr. Lisa uses the Clear + Brilliant hand held laser device. The laser gently penetrates the skin to create microscopic injuries to the skin. These micro-injuries force the skin to heal itself, boosting collagen production and generating new clear, healthy skin.


Your skin will look slightly wind-chapped and may be sensitive to the touch following your treatment. The application of ice packs and aloe immediately afterward will help reduce most of that redness to a rosy glow. The next day, your skin should look normal and you can return to your regular makeup routine. You may notice a light, sandpaper-like texture to your skin, which is a result of the tiny scabs covering the micro-injuries made by the laser. It’s important to keep your skin moisturized and to stay well hydrated to help support new skin growth. Avoid using scrubs and skincare products that contain acids or retinol for at least three days after treatment.

More information

Learn more about the Clear + Brilliant laser treatment at Serenity MedSpa:

You can also read an interview with one of our Clear + Brilliant clients:

Call Serenity MedSpa to schedule your consultation today: (415) 781-9200

*Results May Vary