MiraDry: The Sweat Solution

In TV and movies, extreme sweatiness is used to provide comic relief. Remember Ted Striker in Airplane and Danny Castellano in The Mindy Project? But anyone with overly active sweat glands knows the dread we feel before taking off our jacket or raising our arms is no joke.

The more we sweat the more we worry about sweating and…well, it’s a vicious cycle. Most people grin and bear it with the minimal help of antiperspirants and deodorants (many of which contain aluminum, now linked to Alzheimer’s and breast cancer). Or they try Botox injections, which provide only temporary results and can be expensive and time consuming over the long haul.

Now, thankfully, there’s MiraDry, a new and non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment proven to be a lasting solution for underarm swampiness.

How is MiraDry different?

Whereas Botox temporarily blocks sweat glands for 3 to 6 months, MiraDry destroys them by delivering microwave energy deep into the skin through a hand-held wand. Since sweat glands can’t grow back, once they’re gone, they’re gone for good. And although sweating serves an important purpose, only 2 percent of our approximately 4 million sweat glands exist in our underarms. So you’ll have plenty leftover to help eliminate toxins and cool yourself during a workout or on hot summer days.

Am I a good candidate?

If you have hyperhidrosis, or excessively sweaty pits that completely govern what you wear (all black, anyone?) and how comfortable you feel in public, this treatment is for you. It’s also a great choice for people who’ve tried countless over-the-counter and prescription antiperspirants without noticing an improvement. MiraDry can also be used by people who’d rather just do away with deodorant, deodorant stains and excess under arm hair (as an added bonus, the procedure wipes out hair follicles too).

What can I expect?

It’s not your “routine” lunchtime procedure, so be sure to block off a good two hours in your schedule and plan to head home afterwards. A member of the Serenity MedSpa staff will mark your “sweat zone” and inject numbing shots of lidocaine. Once your underarms are completely numb, you’ll lie face up with your arms folded comfortably behind your head during the treatment, which only takes less than 30 minutes. You’ll feel the light suction of the wand moving over the treatment area to direct the energy deep within the skin to target the sweat glands.

How will I feel afterwards?

Your underarms will be red and a bit swollen. Ice and ibuprofen is recommended immediately following the treatment and for the next 24 hours. Although you can technically immediately return to work or class, you’ll probably be more comfortable resting at home. This will also allow you to ice more efficiently and privately. For the next few days you’ll notice ongoing swelling and light bruising. After a week or two you’ll be back to your old self—minus the sweatiness. Hooray!

Will I need another treatment?

Most people notice a significant reduction in their underarm sweating (as much as 80%!) after a single treatment. Having one additional treatment about three months later is possible if you really need it.

To schedule your consultation with Dr. David King at Serenity MedSpa, call 415-781-9200 or email info@SerenityMedSpa.com.

*Results May Vary