Ohhhh! The O-Shot and Better Orgasms Are Here

Beauty is way more than skin deep.  It’s about feeling healthy and happy and alive in our whole body. That’s why we’re proud to offer the O-Shot (short for Orgasm Shot) at Serenity MedSpa in San Francisco.

The O-Shot is a quick, in-office, non-invasive and painless treatment that helps women feel like themselves again by increasing the intensity of sensation during sex and the ability to orgasm. It can also help address common incontinence issues due to pregnancy, medical conditions and aging. Dr. Lisa Kang is a member of the exclusive O-Shot provider group and is expertly trained and licensed to perform this new, innovative procedure.

The thing no one talks about

Sex and feeling connected to ourselves and others is crucial to good health. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports that sexual dysfunction can negatively affect our well-being and our romantic relationships. On the flip side, better sex can lead to greater energy, more intimacy and increased confidence.

According to Planned Parenthood, as many as 1 in 3 women have trouble reaching orgasm during sex. And as many as 80 percent of women have difficulty experiencing an orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone. Orgasms, through their release of oxytocin, have been show to relieve stress, reduce pain, improve sleep, boost our mood and ward off depression.

A recent study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology revealed that only 14% of women broached the topic of sex with their physician, even though up to 60% of them had experienced a problem they would have liked to discuss. Research shows that physicians also often avoid the subject of sex because of the lack of proven treatment options, generally limited to hormone replacement therapy (e.g. vaginal estrogen or topical testosterone) and psychotherapy. Sex education and counseling can be hugely beneficial, but if the source of the problem is physical, knowledge alone won’t fix it.

You’re going to put a needle where?

Many of you have heard of the Vampire Facelift, and have maybe even experienced its impressive anti-aging results. In 2011, Charles Runels, MD, introduced this age-defying treatment that uses the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in our own blood to rejuvenate the skin on our face and neck by increasing collagen production. Now, Runels brings us the O-Shot to help regenerate healthy vaginal tissue.

After applying a strong topical anesthetic cream and the clitoris is numbed further with a lidocaine injection using a very fine needle, the PRP is injected into the clitoris and upper vaginal area. The growth factors in the PRP stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation to help increase the frequency and intensity of orgasm. The improved sensitivity can have a positive effect on sex drive too. Women who’ve received the O-Shot have reported a positive change in their sexual response within just days of the treatment—and for many, the increase is dramatic. For most the results last about 1 year.

Say goodbye to embarrassing leaks

When PRP is injected into the space around the urethra, the O-Shot can help resolve urinary incontinence. Left untreated, urinary incontinence typically worsens over time, which is why it can be helpful to seek treatment early. Most women experience relief from leaks and urgency a week or two following the O-Shot, with continued improvement over several weeks. This can be a life-changer for many women, allowing them to return to activities they might have been previously avoiding—hiking, running, sports and even sex—with a new found confidence.

For patients who want even more dramatic results, we recommend the Thermi-O treatment—a combination of ThermiVa™ and the O-Shot. ThermiVa is a noninvasive treatment that uses radiofrequency to tighten and rejuvenate the external and internal vagina. Together, ThermiVa and the O-Shot help improve orgasm, stop incontinence, increase libido, and improve sensitivity more than either treatment alone.

Have questions about the O-Shot or ThermiVa? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Lisa Kang at Serenity MedSpa to find out if you’re a good candidate: (415) 781-9200.

*Results May Vary